Our Uniqueness
At SHALEM CARE, we respect our clients’ values, preferences, and diversity. Therefore, our clients are placed at the centre of SHALEM CARE services, while we constantly strive to provide high-quality services that need their needs
At SHALEM CARE, we pride ourselves in our partnership with our clients. We believe that the rights and choices of our clients should be respected. Thus, a core value of SHALEM CARE is to partner with our clients along their health journey. Our experienced staff will work with clients and their families to provide high-quality care that meets our client’s needs.
Holistic care is a core value of SHALEM CARE. We consider the health needs of our clients in detail, giving attention to our clients’ clinical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Using evidence-based mode-of-care, we provided well-tailored personalised care to support our clients in achieving their health goals.
We value relationships, both during and after our engagement with clients. We strive to build and keep a healthy therapeutic relationship with our clients, respecting all necessary boundaries and ensuring that our clients feel safe and comfortable while engaged with SHALEM CARE.